Tuesday 22 January 2008


CLINK CLINK is a car washing company that is established in 2008 providing car washing services. Our aim is to provide high quality and reliable car washing services for all kinds of car users. We guarantee you that you will be most pleased with our services. Our motto is "ONLY THE BEST". Through this motto we are most keen to serve our customers the best. This not only includes first class appliances used but also customer relations.We understand that different cars need different kinds of approach that is why we have different packages and appliances to cater to different cars. From there, customers would be able to consult our service consultants which will be available during working hours to help you select the best for your car.

The unique part of our car services is that we offer personal car wash services which implies that you do not need to drive your car to a center but rather, we will personally go down to your assigned place and give your car a good scrub. Also, we offer different duration washes to suit your needs.

This services are not only for domestic car users but we also dedicate services to car dealers who are doing road shows and any other car events.

Regular Services & Rates

  • Wash and Dry only $6.00

  • Wash, Dry and Polish $15.00

  • Wash, Dry, Polish and Paint Touch-up $20.00

Express Service & Rates

  • Express Wash and Dry $10.00

  • Express Wash and Polish $20.00

We also acknowledge that keeping a car clean regularly is very important as it allows the car to perform better, there we included certain car packages. As we have mentioned above, different cars require different needs, we allow customers to mix and match the certain services they need. These can be selected from our services below.

  • Wash

  • Dry

  • Polish

  • Paint TouchUp

  • CarRIM special clean up

  • Windows Polish with CLINK IT solution (prevents scratches)

From there, our consultants will give you a package price which is DEFINITELY worth it. Our consultants are specialist in these areas and are contactable through 1. EMAIL or 2. Fix Line. If you have any enquiries please feel free to contact our customer service consultants. Car dealers are welcomed to make appoinments with us for your road shows.

Johnny Di
Senior Consultant
Contact: 12345678

Anne Wendy
Senior Consultant
Contact: 12378456

Jay Vuitton
Customer Service Operator


Contact: 12378945

Thank you and we hope to work with you soon!